September Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Agenda Posted
September 1, 2022
The agenda for the September 20-22 stakeholder engagement meetings is now available, and registration is open. The September engagement meetings will include:
DER Market Vision and Design Project – A presentation on recommendations for the foundational participation models and a discussion on stakeholder feedback received from the previous engagement session.
Achievable Potential Study Refresh – An update on the activities surrounding the Achievable Potential study refresh which includes updated modelling and key inputs based on the 2021 Annual Planning Outlook.
Market Renewal Program – An introduction and discussion on the Interim Alignment Rule Set, and updates on the Replacement of the Settlement System (RSS) project.
Capacity Auction – Technical - A discussion on the response to stakeholder feedback from the July and August engagement sessions and the design of a settlement charge for Hourly Demand Response (HDR) resources. An update will also be provided on the HDR standby trigger, as well as an overview on a proposal to address large contributor forced outages in performance assessment.
Interested participants can register now by clicking “register” on the associated engagement web pages or on the agenda. In addition, please note that recordings and presentations from the August engagement meetings are now available. Please contact with any questions.