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Capacity Auction Now Open to Generator-Backed Imports

September 8, 2022

Starting this year, the Capacity Auction is expanding to allow generator-backed imports from neighbouring jurisdictions.

The auction can now accommodate up to 500 megawatts (MW) of capacity imports for the Summer 2023 and Winter 2023/24 commitment periods. In future auction years, this maximum could increase to 1,500 MW. This enhancement to the Capacity Auction will increase competition and drive down costs. 

It is anticipated that the majority of this capacity will come from New York State and Quebec. In early 2022, the IESO signed an IESO - NYISO Memorandum of Understanding for Capacity-Backed Transactions. This document outlines the procedures and protocols for coordination between the two operators that will enable generators in New York to participate in Ontario’s market as a generator-backed import.

Capacity suppliers interested in participating in the IESO’s 2022 Capacity Auction should begin the market registration process as soon as possible. The deadline for Capacity Auction participants to complete authorization is October 27, 2022. For more information or to begin enrolment, please contact

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