Monthly Engagement Update and July Meetings
July 14, 2022
The July engagement update, which provides the current status and next steps of all active engagements, is now available.
The upcoming July 19-21 stakeholder engagement meetings will include discussion on the Market Renewal Program and the 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management Framework Mid-Term Review. Newly added for this month is an information update on the Capacity Auction engagement. This one-hour update will take place on July 21 at 9:00 a.m. and the IESO will provide an update on the following topics:
- The 2022 Capacity Auction enhancements and the steps to implement these design elements
- The proposed Forward Capacity Auction framework, introduced at the Resource Adequacy engagement meeting held on June 9, 2022
- Next steps on developing an engagement plan for the 2023 enhancements, intended to facilitate further improvements to the IESO’s Capacity Auction