Long-Term RFQ Engagement Update
July 14, 2022
The IESO will be posting the guidance document for the Long-Term RFP deliverability assessment in the coming days as part of the next stage in the Expedited, LT1 and Same Technology Expansions procurement processes. The deliverability assessment is intended to ensure that successful projects in the IESO’s procurement processes can deliver electricity to the grid when and where it is needed.
The evaluation of Qualification Submissions is also underway following the close of the LT RFQ in June, the results of which will establish qualified applicants for both the LT1 RFP and the expedited procurement stream for new-build resources. A webinar will be held Thursday, July 21 from 10:30 a.m. to noon, where the IESO’s procurement and deliverability teams will be available to answer stakeholder questions on the information contained in the deliverability document and the LT1 process.
Please register to participate.