Technical Panel Market Rule Amendment Determinations
April 21, 2022
The Technical Panel is requesting feedback on three market rule amendment proposals:
- Enhancements to the 2022 Capacity Auction (MR-00469-R00) - capacity auction enhancements to ensure reliability and maintain competition
- Replacement of the IESO Settlement System (MR-00470-R00) - a series of updates and enhancements to the settlement disagreements and resettlements process
- Improving Awareness of System Conditions (MR-00472-R00) - to improve communications to market participants by replacing the current advisory framework with a new framework of advisory notices, as well as introducing a new operating state
Stakeholders can email their comments to by May 3.
Additionally, the Technical Panel voted to recommend a market rule amendment proposal - Updates to Synchrophasor Monitoring Requirements (MR00471-R00), to the IESO Board for consideration.
All materials are posted on the Proposed Market Rule Amendments web page.