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New Report Outlines Progress and Next Steps for Addressing Obstacles to Storage Resources in Ontario

April 14, 2022

In response to a request from the Minister of Energy, the IESO has worked closely with the Ontario Energy Board to provide an update on the removal of obstacles for energy storage resources in Ontario. This new report builds on “Removing Obstacles for Storage Resources in Ontario,” published in 2018. It outlines the progress made to date as well as the activities that are underway to address remaining obstacles.

Since the release of the 2018 report, a variety of steps have been taken to better integrate storage into Ontario’s electricity system. In 2021 as part of its Storage Design Project (SDP), the IESO completed amendments to the Market Rules and Manuals to clarify participation of storage resources in the IESO markets.

Through the SDP, the IESO developed a long-term design vision for enhanced participation of energy storage in the IESO-Administered Markets. Criteria for implementing the long-term design are currently being explored through the Hybrid Integration Project. Energy storage resources have also successfully cleared in the two most recent capacity auctions.

Looking ahead, the IESO expects storage resources to play a greater role in meeting Ontario’s capacity and energy requirements, especially as supply needs grow later this decade. Enabling more resources to participate in our markets will increase competition, drive down costs, and provide new and sustainable options as we study pathways to decarbonization. Please read the full report for more information.

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