Unlocking the Electricity Potential in Ontario's Communities: IESO, OEB and Local Organizations Collaborate on Local Energy Projects
March 31, 2022
As Ontario’s energy needs increase, the IESO and Ontario Energy Board (OEB) are working with local electricity distributors and technology companies to help communities and businesses contribute to the province’s energy future. Four projects, representing a collective investment of $37 million, will accelerate the adoption of local energy projects to help communities play an increasing role in providing for their own energy needs.
These pilot projects will bring businesses and consumers together to reduce or manage electricity demand and test the effectiveness of co-ordinating multiple energy resources between the local and provincial grid. Learnings from these projects would inform potential ways to better enable DERs to participate in competitive markets.
Through $10.6 million in support from the IESO’s Grid Innovation Fund, as well as regulatory support from the OEB’s Innovation Sandbox, these projects will contribute to the technical and regulatory advances that will help realize the potential of these solutions. For further information, please see the news release.