2022 Revenue Requirement Submission
March 31, 2022
The IESO filed its 2022 Revenue Requirement Submission with the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) on March 4, 2022. The submission and associated documents are available on the OEB website (Case Number EB-2022-0002).
The IESO’s expenditures, revenue requirement and fees allow the IESO to deliver the reliable and resilient grid and efficient wholesale markets on which Ontarians rely. The IESO’s expenditures and revenue requirement have remained stable for the past five years but targeted investments are now required to support priorities in a number of key areas. These include ensuring resource adequacy, enabling new resources, fostering innovation, exploring pathways to decarbonization, and advancing market renewal.
Learn more about the IESO’s priorities and financial plans in its 2022-2024 Business Plan.