Technical Panel Market Rule Amendment Determinations
February 17, 2022
The Technical Panel is requesting feedback on the following market rule amendment proposals:
MR-00468-R00 (Adjustments to Intertie Flow Limits)
This proposal amends the market rules to add language specifying when internal transmission constraints will be considered by the IESO in setting intertie flow limits.
Stakeholders can email their comments to by March 3. The amendment proposals are posted on the Proposed Market Rule Amendments web page.
MR-00455-R00 (Market Renewal Program: Market Power Mitigation) and MR-00461-R00 (Market Renewal Program – Market Power Mitigation: Batch 2 Definitions)
These proposals amend the market rules to codify the Market Renewal Program’s market power mitigation framework.
The Technical Panel has requested a second two-week stakeholder commentary period on version 4.0 of MR-00455-R00 and MR-00461-R00 that were posted for stakeholder comment on January 20, 2022.
Stakeholders can email their comments to by March 1. The amendment proposals are posted on the Proposed Market Rule Amendments web page.