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January Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Agenda Posted

January 6, 2022

The agenda for the January 25-27 stakeholder engagement meetings is now available, and registration is open. The January engagement meetings will include:

Resource Adequacy: 2021 Annual Planning Outlook (APO): Chuck Farmer, VP Conservation, Planning and Resource Adequacy will provide opening remarks followed by a presentation on key findings of the 2021 APO and Q&A for stakeholders to ask questions, seek clarification, and provide feedback on areas for improvement on future outlooks

Resource Adequacy: Annual Acquisition Report (AAR): a presentation on stakeholder feedback themes received from the 2021 AAR and the importance of feedback on future AARs. This session will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to identify potential gaps in upcoming AARs

Resource Adequacy: Long-Term RFP: an update on the Long-Term RFP engagement activity

DER Market Vision Design: a recap of the DER Market Vision and Design project timelines and deliverables, as well as a discussion of stakeholder feedback received following the October engagement webinar. The webinar will also include a presentation from the Electric Power Research Institute on how U.S. jurisdictions are complying with FERC Order 2222

Hybrid Integration Project: a discussion on stakeholder feedback received following the December 2021 webinar and a presentation on a “day-in-the-life” of the foundational hybrid facility models

Market Renewal Program: a brief review of the market participant readiness plan and an opportunity for feedback and advice on proposed suggestions

Awareness of System Operating Conditions: a presentation on key changes since the previous engagement to inform Market Participants (MPs) of an additional operating state to improve operational awareness and allow MPs the opportunity to plan and prepare their operations accordingly, minimize risk to reliability and enhance grid resilience

Attendees are welcome to participate in any or all sessions, and pre-registration is recommended. Please contact with questions. In addition, please note that recordings and presentations from the December engagement meetings are now available.

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