OEB Approves IESO Fee for 2021
December 2, 2021
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) issued a decision and order on November 18, 2021, approving the IESO’s fee application for 2021. Effective January 1, 2021, domestic customers will be charged a usage fee of $1.271/MWh and export customers will be charged a usage fee of $1.0943/MWh. This replaces the interim rates of $1.227/MWh for domestic customers and $1.0125/MWh for export customers.
The new rates will be applied as of November 1, 2021 and will be reflected on November 30, 2021 preliminary settlement statements (PSS). A retroactive adjustment will also be applied on the November 30, 2021 PSS to account for the rate change from January 1 to October 31, 2021.
More details can be found in the OEB’s Decision and Order (EB-2020-0230).
The IESO’s expenditures, revenue requirements and fees allow for the continuing collaboration with stakeholders to implement a competitive framework to address supply shortfalls emerging later this decade, and promote greater participation in the electricity markets.
You can learn more about the IESO’s priority initiatives and financial plans in its 2020-2022 Business Plan.