December Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Meeting Materials Update
December 2, 2021
The agenda for the December 15-16 engagement meetings is available, and registration is open. The materials for the Market Renewal Program Implementation webinar are posted, and all other meeting materials will be posted next week: a communication will be sent to registered participants when these are available
The engagement meetings will include:
- An update on the Resource Adequacy initiative with specific focus on the Capacity Auction, Hourly Demand Response, and Long-Term RFP;
- A presentation of the Enabling Resources Program work plan;
- Updates on the Hybrid Integration Project;
- A presentation on the Market Renewal Program (MRP) Implementation activities, which will include a quarterly update on solutions for practical issues that arise when implementing Market Renewal, covering reference levels for pseudo units, and integration of storage design.
To facilitate discussion during the webinars, we encourage participants to review posted materials in advance.
Attendees are welcome to participate in any or all sessions and pre-registration is recommended. Please contact with any questions.