December Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Agenda Posted and Registration Open
November 25, 2021
The agenda for the December 15-16 stakeholder engagement meetings is now available and registration is open. The December engagement meetings include:
Resource Adequacy
Continued discussion around design and implementation related to the 2022 Capacity Auction enhancements, including a walkthrough of the supporting draft market rule and manual amendments and an update on the Long-Term RFP. Bridging considerations for the Resource Adequacy framework will also be discussed.
Market Renewal Program (MRP) Implementation
A quarterly update on design implementation solutions, covering reference levels for pseudo units, and integration of storage resources. Responses to feedback on the Market Power Mitigation framework will also be provided.
Enabling Resources
A presentation of the Enabling Resources work plan outlining timing and scope of work.
Hybrid Integration
A discussion of stakeholder feedback received following the September meeting, presentation of the final foundational participation models for hybrid resources, and update on the design phase of the project.
Attendees are welcome to participate in any or all sessions and pre-registration is recommended. Please contact with any questions. In addition, please note that recordings and presentations from the November engagement meetings are now available.