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Extension of Interim Framework Retrofit Project Completion Deadline

October 21, 2021

The original December 31, 2021, deadline for the completion of Interim Framework Save on Energy Retrofit program projects has been extended to July 31, 2022. This applies to Retrofit projects that were:

  • pre-approved by the IESO between April 1, 2019, and December 31, 2020, and
  • projects that were submitted for pre-approval by December 4, 2020, and that were subsequently pre-approved in 2021.

Energy-efficiency programs are an important contributor to the economy in Ontario, and they help program participants manage their energy costs and lower overall electricity system demand. The IESO recognizes that COVID-19 has continued to cause disruptions in supply chains and labour shortages, and it has caused some facilities to be shut down temporarily, resulting in delays to anticipated completion dates of certain energy-efficiency projects.

More detailed information will be provided to affected Retrofit program participants. Please direct any questions to

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