Electricity Plan Released for the West of London Area
September 23, 2021
A new plan to address emerging needs in the area west of the City of London has been released as part of ongoing electricity planning in southwestern Ontario to address strong agricultural growth and extensive greenhouse expansion. Informed by technical studies and engagement with communities, businesses, Indigenous communities and rights-holders, and stakeholders in the area the report, Need for Bulk System Reinforcements West of London, outlines necessary actions to ensure the adequacy and reliability of electricity supply up to the year 2035 including:
- A new 230 kV double-circuit line from Lambton southwards to Chatham to be in-service no later than 2028 (announced in March 2021);
- The continued operation of the Brighton Beach Generating Station until the Lambton to Chatham line is in-service; and
- A new single 500 kV transmission line from Longwood to Lakeshore as well as 550 MW of local resources.