July Stakeholder Engagement Meetings-Materials Posted
July 8, 2021
The agenda for the July 20 & 22 stakeholder engagement meetings has been posted, and registration is open. Meeting materials have also been posted for all but the Resource Adequacy webinar, materials for which will be made available on Monday, July 12.
The July engagement meetings include:
- York Region Non-Wires Alternative: an overview from the IESO and Alectra in advance of the second operational year of the York Region Non-Wires Alternative Demonstration Project for prospective participants, as well as the broader stakeholder community.
- Indigenous Energy Efficiency: a presentation of the detailed program design for the First Nations Community Buildings Retrofit Program.
- Resource Adequacy: further detail on UCAP proposals for individual resource types.
- Cost Recovery for Integrating System Changes: an introduction to the purpose of the engagement, relevant background, and an opportunity for discussion and input.
Attendees are welcome to participate in any or all sessions, and pre-registration is recommended. Please contact engagement@ieso.ca with any questions.