New Call for Nominations to Fill Stakeholder Advisory Committee Vacancy
April 1, 2021
A new call for Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) nominations is being initiated to fill a recent vacancy in the Energy Related Businesses and Services constituency. Examples of representatives in this constituency might include electricity traders/wholesalers, aggregators, innovation, research, smart grid, gas utility, and conservation-related services.
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, April 21. Please submit nominations on behalf of yourself or another individual. Please include knowledge about both Ontario’s electricity sector and the constituency they represent, together with the nominee’s resume to
The SAC gives senior stakeholder and community representatives the opportunity to provide policy-level advice and recommendations directly to the IESO Board of Directors and Executive on matters relating to the IESO’s mandate and other matters that may be of concern to stakeholders and the general public. Members of the SAC are appointed by the IESO Board of Directors and serve a two-year term.
The SAC Terms of Reference sets out the qualifications and expectations of SAC members and is available on the SAC Membership web page.