Technical Panel market rule amendment determinations
June 25, 2020
The Technical Panel is requesting feedback on market rule amendment proposal MR-00445-R00 - Performance Requirements. This proposal amends the performance requirements for generators, wholesale customers and distributors, and expands the applicability of several existing requirements to include all distributed energy resources (DERs), regardless of size. Additionally, the proposal specifies the required behaviour for inverter-based facilities during and immediately following disturbances to prevent these facilities from ceasing to inject current.
Stakeholders can email their comments to by July 9. The amendment proposal is posted on the proposed market rule amendment web page.
Additionally, the Technical Panel voted to recommend Market Rule Amendment Proposal MR-00443-R00 - Transmission Rights Clearing Account Disbursements and Market Rule Amendment Proposal MR-00444-R00 - Reliability-Related Information to the IESO Board for consideration at its June meeting.