Regional planning update: York and Ottawa 20-year electricity plans posted
March 5, 2020
An Integrated Regional Resource Plan (IRRP), which considers the potential for long-term electricity demand growth and varying supply conditions over the next 20 years, has been posted for York Region and the Ottawa sub-region.
The York Region IRRP reaffirms near- to medium-term needs identified in previous electricity system plans and recommends approaches for addressing specific pockets, and potential longer-term system capacity requirements to accommodate growth and development across York Region. The plan identifies some near-term actions to monitor demand growth, perform minor transmission system upgrades, continue to pursue information on the feasibility and economics of non-wires alternatives, engage with the community, and develop or maintain viability of long-term supply capacity options.
The Ottawa sub-region IRRP identifies upcoming power system capacity, reliability, and end-of-life asset replacement needs and recommends specific investments to address the most imminent needs. Near-term activities to manage longer-term requirements, including ongoing opportunities for engagement with communities, are also addressed.
For additional information about the planning process, and power system needs for York Region and Ottawa, download the full reports. Visit for more information about the regional planning process.