Final high-level designs for energy stream initiatives now available
August 8, 2019
Over the past few months, we’ve been collecting stakeholder feedback on the high-level designs for the three energy stream initiatives. The responses to feedback received are now available for the single schedule market, day-ahead market and enhanced real-time unit commitment.
As a result of what we’ve heard, one of the important changes we’re making is an alternate design for load pricing in the single schedule market. The new design will provide greater customer choice by enabling non-dispatchable loads to choose between a uniform Ontario price and location-based nodal prices. Loads active in the market will continue to be settled on nodal prices.
The final high-level design documents, which reflect updates made as a result of the alternate load pricing design and stakeholder feedback, are now available.
The release of the final documents marks the completion of the high-level design phase for the energy work stream and is a pivotal milestone for the Market Renewal Program, bringing the IESO another step closer to delivering a more stable, competitive and efficient marketplace that will produce greater value for Ontario ratepayers.