Planning update: Greater Bruce/Huron, Windsor-Essex, and York regions
July 25, 2019
Regional electricity planning for the Greater Bruce/Huron region is underway. To ensure communities and stakeholders are aware of the activities involved in the process and the opportunities for input, the IESO has launched a new engagement initiative.
A webinar is planned for August 21 at 10 a.m. to review the draft scoping assessment outcome report that identifies needs, areas requiring more comprehensive planning, and the approach to be undertaken.
Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback. The draft report and webinar materials will be posted in advance of the meeting. Registration is online.
For more information, visit the Greater Bruce/Huron region webpage.
For Windsor-Essex planning, a webinar is scheduled for August 15, from 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. to finalize the 2019 integrated regional resource plan (IRRP) for the region. Participants will be provided with an update on engagement discussions to date and asked for input on the proposed recommendations to address the region’s electricity needs over the next 20 years. Register online to participate.
On June 19, the IESO hosted a webinar on the York Region IRRP. A recording of the event is available online and the responses to feedback received are on the IESO website.