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Reminder: Call for nominations to the Technical Panel

January 24, 2019

A reminder that the IESO is calling for qualified individuals to represent transmitters on the Technical Panel. The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, February 1.

The Technical Panel reviews amendments to the Market Rules for Ontario’s electricity market and, as requested, provides advice to the IESO Board of Directors on technical issues relating to the operation of the IESO-administered markets. Additional information regarding the Technical Panel, including member qualifications and attributes, can be found in the Terms of Reference.

If you are interested in nominating yourself or another candidate for consideration as a Technical Panel member to represent transmitters, please submit the following information:

  • A letter of nomination
  • The nominee's resume
  • A 'Declaration of Nominee' for membership on the Technical Panel, completed and signed by the nominee.

Please submit the above information on or before the close of business on February 1, 2019 to

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