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Call for nominations to IESO Stakeholder Advisory Committee

January 10, 2019

The IESO Board of Directors (BoD) is calling for nominations of qualified individuals to join the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC gives senior stakeholder and community representatives the opportunity to provide policy-level advice and recommendations directly to the IESO BoD and Executive on matters relating to the IESO’s mandate and other matters that may be of concern to stakeholders and the general public.

The SAC Terms of Reference sets out the qualifications and expectations of SAC members. Nominations will be accepted to fill vacancies within the following three constituencies:

  • Ontario Communities – examples of representation might include municipalities, First Nations and Métis, environmental, academia
  • Energy Related Businesses and Services – examples of representation might include electricity traders/wholesalers, aggregators, innovation, research, smart grid, conservation-related services
  • Transmitters – person representing the constituency of transmitters

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, January 31. Please submit nominations, on behalf of yourself or another individual, by letter together with the nominee’s resume to the attention of:

Trevor Esdaile
Senior Advisor, Stakeholder Engagement
E-mail: with a copy to

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