Call for nominations for the Market Development Advisory Group
January 17, 2019
The IESO has created a new Market Development Advisory Group (MDAG) which will support IESO efforts to evolve the Ontario electricity market, beyond the Market Renewal Program, to cost-effectively ensure reliability in the near and longer terms. The Terms of Reference provides additional context and is available on the engagement webpage.
The IESO is calling for nominations of qualified individuals to join the MDAG. There will be a maximum of 20 members that will comprise a balanced representation of different stakeholder communities that participate in or are affected by Ontario’s electricity markets.
The MDAG will have public meetings to ensure that all stakeholders have the ability to participate in forward-looking markets discussions and considerations.
Those interested in submitting a nomination for the MDAG are asked to do the following:
- Review the Terms of Reference to understand the role of the group, the desired qualifications, and the expectations for preparation and participation in meetings
- Send an email with your nomination to The email should demonstrate your qualifications and experience in competitive electricity markets (Ontario and/or external jurisdictions) and address the following questions:
1. Description of your vision of how competitive markets fit into Ontario’s energy future and key priorities to achieve that goal
2. Both the nominee’s dedication and their company or organization’s (if applicable) commitment and support to create a competitive and dynamic electricity market in Ontario
Nominations will be accepted until Friday, February 15. The IESO will review all nominations and will communicate decisions on membership shortly after the closing date. The first meeting is expected to occur in March.