Providing greater transparency with five-year assessment of reliability
December 20, 2018
As part of its commitment to open and transparent planning, the IESO has extended the traditional 18-month planning horizon in its quarterly outlook for an additional 42 months, providing a five-year assessment of reliability. The Reliability Outlook (formerly known as the 18-Month Outlook) presents Ontario’s demand forecast and associated drivers, resource adequacy projections and the assumptions that inform them, as well as an assessment of operability and the province’s transmission assets. These extended outlooks will be published every June and December and will address the drivers that can affect resource adequacy, and require the IESO to address associated reliability risks through outage management.
Also new this quarter is the publication of the IESO’s Transfer Capability Assessment Methodology for the near-term transmission planning horizon, consolidating the information previously found in the Ontario Transmission System document. Operating Limits previously documented in the Ontario Transmission System document can be found in the Reliability Outlook tables.
Learn more about the reports and associated data tables.