OEB approves IESO fee for 2018
November 8, 2018
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) issued a decision and order on October 25, 2018, approving the IESO’s revised fee application. Effective January 1, 2018, there are two separate usage fees for the IESO, a fee of $1.2402/MWh to domestic customers and another fee of $1.0115/MWh to export customers.
The usage fee of $1.2402/MWh to domestic customers will be applied to each market participant’s allocated quantity of energy withdrawn (AQEW) from the IESO-controlled grid plus the embedded generation volumes reported by each LDC to the IESO on a monthly basis.
The usage fee of $1.0115/MWh to export customers will be applied to each market participant’s scheduled quantity of energy withdrawn (SQEW).
The new rates will be applied as of October 1, 2018 and reflected on market participants’ October 31 preliminary settlement statement. A retroactive adjustment for the period of January 1 to September 30, 2018 will also be applied on the October 31 preliminary settlement statement as a manual line item and included in the October 2018 invoice, to be issued on November 15.
More details can be found on the OEB’s website in the Decision and Order (EB-2018-0143) document.