Energy Stream Detailed Design Engagement Plan now available
November 22, 2018
Stakeholders have completed a review of the Single Schedule Market (SSM) high level design (HLD) which is one of three initiatives within the Energy stream of the Market Renewal Program (MRP). By the end of 2018, stakeholders will have a similar opportunity to review and provide feedback on the final two HLD documents of the Energy stream, which are: Day Ahead Market and Enhanced Real-Time Unit Commitment.
Once the review periods for all three Energy HLDs are complete in early 2019, the IESO will continue the valuable engagement work with stakeholders to develop and complete the detailed design for the Energy stream. The engagement approach for the Energy stream detailed design phase is outlined in the MRP Energy Engagement Plan which is now available for stakeholder review on the SSM webpage.
If you have any questions or feedback on the document, please contact IESO Engagement.