Smart Metering Entity: Third Party Access Implementation Plan webinar
October 25, 2018
The IESO is inviting all interested parties to participate in a webinar on Friday, November 9 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The purpose of the webinar is to provide an update on the efforts undertaken to date by the Smart Metering Entity and the Data Strategy Advisory Council on the implementation plan to enable third party access to the de-identified meter consumption data available in the province’s Meter Data Management/Repository (MDM/R). The webinar will include the following items for input and information:
- Pilot Test Cases
- Data Products Strategy
- Market Analysis and Monetization Model
- Project Timelines and Milestones
Stakeholders interested in participating in the webinar may register now. For more information, visit the Smart Metering Entity: Third Party Access Implementation Plan webpage.