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Request for Feedback on the development of the IESO’s Innovation Roadmap

October 18, 2018

The IESO is seeking feedback on the development of its Innovation Roadmap. An overview of the initiative and the specific feedback being requested will be presented at a webinar on October 19, 2018, at 2:00 pm.

Feedback is being sought on key challenges, opportunities and barriers to the adoption of technology and innovation in the electricity sector and the role of IESO in sector evolution. Input is also being sought to help prioritize and focus IESO’s efforts. Registration for the  webinar is now open.

If you are interested in providing input, please use the comment template posted on the Innovation Roadmap engagement page and submit your comments to by Tuesday, October 30, 2018.

For additional details on the initiative, please visit the Innovation Roadmap engagement page.

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