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New engagement: IESO Governance and Decision-Making

August 2, 2018

The IESO is launching a new engagement initiative to explore and potentially propose enhancements to governance/decision-making framework to the IESO Board of Directors.

Engagement on this initiative will first happen through facilitated discussions with the Stakeholder Advisory Committee, Technical Panel and Market Renewal Working Group as well as a meeting for broader stakeholders and market participants. These meetings will be conversations to collect broad feedback. The public meeting will take place on August 21. You can register for that meeting by emailing

An Advisory Group will then consider the feedback received through the facilitated meetings to inform IESO recommendations to the IESO Board. The group will be composed of six to ten members and will represent a cross section of constituencies including, but not limited to generators, consumers, related businesses and services. Nominations for the advisory group will be accepted until August 23. The draft Terms of Reference for the advisory group is available on the engagement webpage and provides the objectives, scope and responsibilities of the group. You can submit a nomination by emailing

All materials for this initiative will be posted to the engagement webpage.

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