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Update on Technical Panel determinations

June 28, 2018

The Technical Panel met on June 26 and recommended that the IESO Board of Directors consider a proposed Demand Response rule amendment (MR-00433) when it meets on August 29, and requested that proposed market rule amendments on Capacity Exports (MR-00420) be posted for stakeholder comment.

1) MR-00433: Demand Response

R00 – Notification and Activation of Hourly Demand Response

R01 – Hourly Demand Response to the Emergency Operating State Control Actions (EOSCA) List

These proposed amendments will increase the utilization of Hourly Demand Response (HDR) resources by modifying the requirements for standby and activation notices, reducing the minimum dispatch duration, and explicitly identifying activation of HDR resources as a control action on the EOSCA list.

These proposals are based on input from the Demand Response Working Group.

The recommended effective date for R00 is expected to be in May 2019.  The recommended effective date for R01 is September 21, 2018.

2) MR-00420: Capacity Exports

R00 - Capacity Exports in the IESO-Administered Markets

R01 – Capacity Exports and Settlements

R02 – Capacity Exports and Transmitter Outages

These proposed amendments create a framework to enable Ontario-based resources to export capacity, as approved by the IESO.  The amendments will specify market participant rights and obligations for capacity export requests and the capacity call process, specify congestion management settlement credit and cost guarantee treatment, as well as enable the IESO to reject or revoke a transmitter’s planned outage in limited circumstances. 

The proposals are based on input from the Market Renewal - Capacity Exports stakeholder engagement.

Stakeholders are asked to provide comments on the above proposals (MR-00420-R00, R01 and R02) by July 12, 2018.  Comments can be sent to

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