Final agenda for the IESO Electricity Summit now posted
May 17, 2018
The final agenda for the IESO Electricity Summit, occurring on June 11, has been posted. Join the IESO to hear perspectives from industry leaders on consumer behaviours and drivers for innovation.
The summit will include several spotlights on innovative projects, business models and research seeking to answer these questions among others:
- What is driving consumers to make decisions? Patty Durand, President & chief Executive Officer of the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative, will talk about their 2018 State of the Consumer Report
- How does community choice & aggregation work? David McNeil, Manager of Finance of MCE, will describe the journey to implement California’s first community choice aggregation program
- How can we engage the new energy consumer? Michel Losier, Executive Director, Energy Efficiency of New Brunswick Power, will discuss how they are positioning themselves to support evolving customer value streams.
You can register for the summit here. To see the full agenda, please visit the IESO 2018 Electricity Summit webpage.