Materials posted for April 17 Technical Panel meeting
April 12, 2018
Materials for the April 17 meeting are now posted on the Technical Panel (TP) webpage. During this meeting, TP members will review the deletion of reference to regulated settlement within the Rural and Remote settlement and the Debt Retirement Charge and will be asked to vote whether this item can be posted for broader stakeholder comment. TP members will also review another proposed rule amendment related to Station Service Obligations and vote to determine whether this item is ready for final consideration by the IESO Board of Directors. An information item will be provided on the Demand Response (DR) enhancements focusing on the work completed within the DR Working Group to improve the utilization and value of DR resources.
The meeting will be held from 9:00 am to 10:40 am. Members of the public are invited to participate and are asked to register for the teleconference by emailing