Update on Technical Panel determinations
March 8, 2018
The Technical Panel met on March 6 to discuss three proposed market rule amendments. The Panel unanimously recommended that the IESO Board of Directors consider two of the proposed rule amendments (MR-00434 and MR-00436) when it meets on April 11. The third amendment (MR-00435) is now posted for broader stakeholder comment.
MR-00434: Regulated Settlement – Deletion of Rural and Remote Settlement and Debt Retirement Charge
This proposal identifies the need for market rule amendments to ensure consistency with respect to regulated settlement. The proposed amendments will delete market rule references to rural and remote settlement and the debt retirement charge in order to settle them consistent with other regulated settlement charges. The recommended effective date of this amendment is May 4, 2018.
MR-00436: Enabling System Flexibility – Thirty-Minute Operating Reserve
This proposal identifies the need for market rule amendments to provide clarification that the requirement for 30-minute operating reserve is a minimum requirement, and ensure consistency in the market rules related to both 10-minute and 30-minute operating reserve, as well as consistency with operating reserve requirements specified in the Northeast Power Coordinating Council Regional Reliability Reference Directory #5. These amendments were identified through the Enabling System Flexibility engagement initiative. The recommended effective date of this amendment is May 4, 2018.
MR-00435: Station Service Obligations
The IESO proposes to remove the obligation for registered market participants to identify and provide station service estimates and place the obligation on the market participant responsible for registering the relevant facility, consistent with the intent of placing this obligation on the owner of the facility. This change will ensure that the market participant responsible for registering the relevant facility is obligated to comply with the station service provisions in section 2.1A of Chapter 9. Stakeholders are asked to provide comments by March 22 on the related market rule amendment proposal. Comments can be sent to rule.amendments@ieso.ca.