Market Renewal Roundup for February
March 1, 2018
- IESO’s Vice President, Planning, Acquisition and Operations, and Chief Operating Officer, Leonard Kula was the keynote speaker at the 16th Ontario Power Summit on Wednesday, February 28. He spoke about the opportunities and challenges in renewing the electricity market in Ontario. A copy of his presentation has been posted to the IESO website.
- The recording of the February 16 webinar about the Request for Information (RFI) on the role of non-emitting resources in the new electricity marketplace is now available.
- There is a new web page on the IESO website for the all materials related to the non-emitting resources Request for Information (RFI). The page can be found in the Active Engagements section of the IESO website.
- The IESO’s Non Emitting Resource Subcommittee (NERSC) will be hosting an all-day Technical Conference on April 5, in Toronto at the Metro Toronto Conference Centre. The conference will support the work of the subcommittee and ensure more fulsome responses to the Request for Information, to be released in mid-March. Registration for the event can be found here.
- The Market Renewal Working Group met on February 6 and their Non-emitting Resources Subcommittee gathered on February 16, prior to the RFI webinar.
All the materials related to these meetings have been posted on their respective web pages within the Market Renewal section of the IESO website.