Input invited on Indigenous Energy Support Programs
February 1, 2018
The IESO is seeking input to review and propose options to improve Energy Support Programs currently offered by the IESO for First Nations communities and Métis in Ontario.
A webinar will be held on Thursday, February 22 at 10:00 am to present an overview of the input received from First Nations communities to date. Attendees will be invited to provide additional input for consideration to further inform the IESO’s review of current Energy Support Programs, and to provide insight into what might be needed to better align programs with community needs and interests, including support to implement community energy plans.
All interested parties are invited to participate in this engagement initiative. Register to participate in the February 22 webinar.
The IESO is reviewing current Indigenous Energy Support Program in response to one of the Implementation Directives following the release of the Minister of Energy’s Long Term Energy Plan.
For more information, visit the Indigenous Energy Support Programs engagement webpage or email