Market Renewal Roundup for December
December 21, 2017
- Terry Young, IESO’s VP of Policy, Engagement and Innovation, addressed the 2017 Solar Canada conference. In his remarks to the group, he discussed how the IESO is considering options for integrating non-emitting resources in the new electricity marketplace.
- The IESO announced that it will be issuing a Request for Information (RFI) in February about the role of non-emitting resources in the electricity marketplace of the future. An open webinar to review the scope and timelines of the RFI was held on December 21. A recording of the presentation will be available early in the new year. For more information, please visit the Non-emitting Resources Subcommittee webpage.
- Stakeholder meetings for the first four months of 2018 have been added to the Events Calendar (filter by Market Renewal) and on the individual engagement pages.
- Five stakeholder engagement meetings took place in December - Incremental Capacity Auction, Capacity Exports, the Non-emitting Resources Subcommittee, Enabling System Flexibility and the Single Schedule Market. All materials related to these meetings are available on their respective engagement web pages.