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Upcoming Market Renewal Meetings

November 30, 2017

Next Incremental Capacity Auction and Capacity Exports meetings: December 4

The next stakeholder meetings for the Incremental Capacity Auction and Capacity Exports engagements will take place on December 4. Materials have been posted on the stakeholder webpages.  Stakeholders interested in participating in this meeting can contact for further details and to register.

Enabling System Flexibility webinar: December 8

Please be reminded that the next meeting on Enabling System Flexibility will be a webinar on the morning of December 8.  Stakeholders who wish to participate in this webinar can contact for further details and to register.

Single Schedule Market meeting: December 11

The next stakeholder meeting for the Single Schedule Market engagement will take place on December 11. Materials and agenda will be circulated closer to the meeting date.  Stakeholders who wish to participate in this meeting can contact for further details and to register.

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