Ottawa next stop on IESO regional tour
November 9, 2017
On Thursday, November 16, the IESO will host the Eastern Ontario Regional Electricity Forum in Ottawa. The third in a series of five sessions, it will continue a dialogue about the rapid advancements taking place in Ontario’s energy sector, and how consumers, communities and businesses are playing an increasingly vital role in meeting our province’s future energy and sustainability needs.
The full agenda is now available and can be found here.
Participants will hear about local innovation, how utilities are modernizing their business models to meet changing consumer needs, and how electricity can be harnessed to support the growth, resiliency and vibrancy of communities and businesses both locally and across Ontario.
Click here to register for the Eastern Ontario Regional Electricity Forum, and visit the IESO’s regional forums webpage to learn more about upcoming sessions, including the agenda now posted for the Southwest Ontario Forum in London.
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