Non-Emitting Resource Subcommittee - Request for Expressions of Interest
October 5, 2017
The IESO is developing a new stakeholder committee for non-emitting resources. The Non-Emitting Resource Subcommittee of the Market Renewal Working Group will examine barriers and opportunities for non-emitting resources in Market Renewal. It will look at:
- Future integration and barriers to participation for non-emitting resources in the proposed Market Renewal design scope;
- Market impacts associated with higher levels of non-emitting resources with very low to zero marginal costs; and
- Whether additional incentive mechanisms (beyond the cap and trade framework) are required to effectively integrate non-emitting and net zero carbon resources into the re-design of Ontario’s wholesale electricity market
The subcommittee will discuss and analyze these issues and contribute to a report of findings to be submitted to the Market Renewal Working Group in early 2018. Participation in the Non-Emitting Resource Sub-Committee is open to all stakeholders. Interested stakeholders should contact as soon as possible. The first meeting will take place November 2. Further details will be communicated closer to the meeting. The IESO is requesting that no more than two representatives from the same company register for the session in person.
Stakeholders who wish to join the subcommittee should also be prepared to participate in all or as many meetings as possible for continuity and in support of the deliverables for the subcommittee.