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Conservation Framework Mid-Term Review webinar October 25

October 19, 2017

The IESO is inviting all interested parties to participate in the next public webinar of the Conservation Framework: Mid-Term Review engagement initiative to be held on October 25 at 10am. The IESO will provide an update of the discussions underway with the Mid-Term Review Advisory Group and present information on the following items for input and information:

  • Budgets, Targets and Cost Effectiveness
  • Non-Energy Impacts
  • Synopsis of Market Research to date 

This engagement initiative was launched to seek input to inform the mid-term review of the Conservation Framework which includes the 2015 to 2020 Conservation First Framework and Industrial Accelerator Program, and is open to all interested parties.

Register for the October 25 webinar. Please visit the Mid-Term Review engagement webpage for more information.

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