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Final Round of FIT Contracts Offered

September 21, 2017

On September 20, the IESO announced it will offer 390 long-term contracts for 150 megawatts (MW) of small-scale renewable generation under the final round of the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) Program, known as FIT 5. Contracts will be offered for 382 solar photovoltaic projects (147.899 MW), as well as for seven on-farm biogas projects (1.600 MW) and one municipal landfill gas project (0.500 MW).

 Results of the procurement show strong participation, more than 80 percent, from Indigenous, community, municipal and public sector entities.

 Moving forward, the IESO is working with stakeholders and communities to explore market-based approaches to meet Ontario’s future energy needs. 

Read the IESO’s news release here. See the FIT 5 Contract Offer summary.

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