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Agenda now available for the September 26 Technical Panel meeting

September 14, 2017

The Agenda for the September 26 Technical Panel meeting is now available on the Technical Panel webpage, with meeting materials to be posted next week. The meeting is being held in downtown Toronto from 9:00 am to approximately 11:00 am and is open to the public. Observers are invited to send an email to indicating whether attendance in person or via teleconference is preferred.

At the meeting, Technical Panel members will review stakeholder feedback and provide advice for consideration by the IESO Board of Directors on proposed rule amendments related to Mandatory Requirements for Regulation Service Providers and Disconnection Orders. Other items on the agenda include updates on the Market Renewal Program as well as discussions underway with the IESO’s Grid-LDC Inter-Operability Standing Committee on matters related to the coordination of IESO and LDC-controlled grid resources.

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