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iCon Security Patch

August 24, 2017

The IESO will be implementing a security patch to the SharePoint Application within the iCon system on Saturday, August 26. This will result in an outage to the system from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm. iCon is the system used to administer some Save on Energy programs by Local Distribution Customers (LDCs), their customers and the IESO. 

 The security patch will not affect LDCs who only use the iCon system through or the pages.

 The security patch may impact LDCs that interact with iCon through external applications. The IESO encourages LDCs to work with their external application vendors and IT staff to assess the impact and make the necessary configuration changes to minimize disruption. If you believe you may be impacted and the IESO has not already contacted you, please contact your LDC Business Manager.

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