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Materials posted for the August 15 Technical Panel meeting

August 10, 2017

The agenda and materials for the August 15 Technical Panel meeting have now been posted to the Technical Panel Meeting and Materials webpage. Panel meetings are open to the public and observers are invited to attend in person or via teleconference.

Agenda items include proposed rule amendments relating to Mandatory Requirements for Regulation Service Providers as well as an item to true-up the market rules related to Disconnection Orders.

 The Technical Panel provides advice to the IESO Board of Directors on proposed amendments to the Market Rules, and as requested, advises the Board on specific technical issues relating to the operation of the IESO-administered market.

 The meeting is being held in downtown Toronto from 9:00 am to approximately 10:30 am. To register, send an email to indicating whether attendance in person or via teleconference is preferred.

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