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Revised Target Release Plan for changes to IESO IT systems

July 13, 2017

A revision has been made to the Target Release Plan. The updated plan is posted for review under Release R38.0 on the IT Release Schedule.

One new item has been added to the plan. A necessary software upgrade will result in cosmetic changes for participants logging in to the IESO Report Site to retrieve confidential reports. There will be no changes affecting participants using automated RESTful webAPI and SFTP to retrieve their confidential reports.

The rest of the plan remains the same: New and modified Online Settlement Forms will be released on July 28 to allow impacted LDCs to submit settlement claims to reflect changes made for the Ontario Fair Hydro Plan. In addition, the previously communicated changes to the Real Time Generation Cost Guarantee (RT-GCG) Online Settlement Form will be made.

This plan also contains a number of enhancements for users of the Outage Coordination and Scheduling System (OCSS) and the Market Information Management (MIM) IDK will be removed from service on September 13, 2017.

Comments and feedback on this release plan can be sent to

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