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Proposed changes to market rules re: Demand Response Auction

June 15, 2017

The Demand Response Working Group (DRWG) has identified opportunities for the DR auction that will require changes to the IESO market rules.  These opportunities will improve the economic dispatch and overall utilization of participating hourly demand response resources.  This initiative was identified as a high priority item for the 2017 DRWG work plan and the IESO is therefore proceeding with the market rules amendment process.

To accomplish the objective of improving the utilization of Hourly-DR resources, three parameters are being included in the proposed market rule changes:

  • modification to the standby notice (from 4 to 1 hour)
  • modification to the activation notice (from 4 hours to where at least 1 hour is economic) and
  • change to the length of an activation within the DR Auction (change from 4 hour block to anywhere from 1 to 4 hours)

The IESO is interested in additional stakeholder feedback outside of the DRWG.  To review the details of this initiative, please see the presentation delivered to the DRWG on May 30.  Please direct questions and feedback to

As part of the market rules amendment process, the IESO will present the item to the IESO Technical Panel on June 27.  As a reminder, all proposed market rule amendments are brought to the IESO’s Technical Panel, which is a forum of individuals representing multiple sectors in Ontario’s electricity system. The Panel provides advice and recommendations directly to the IESO Board of Directors on market rule amendments. Please email for details on how to observe Technical Panel meetings in person or via teleconference.

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