New Data Strategy Advisory Council - Membership
June 8, 2017
Following a public call for applications, the IESO has appointed the members and observers of the Data Strategy Advisory Council. This 15-member Council is made up of a variety of stakeholder representatives to provide advice to the IESO’s Smart Metering Entity (SME) for the development of an implementation plan that will facilitate access to the meter data available in the province’s Meter Data Management/Repository (MDM/R), in de-identified form, by third parties. The first meeting of the Advisory Council will be held on June 15, where members will have an opportunity to provide input and advice to help guide the continued development and design work of the various elements within the Third Party Access Implementation Plan along with the IESO’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee, the Office of the Information Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, the privacy consultant Privacy Analytics Inc. and other subject matter experts.
The Advisory Council’s activities will be transparent and can be followed on the Data Strategy Advisory Council webpage. In addition, the IESO expects to launch an engagement initiative shortly that will be aimed at seeking input from Ontario’s broader stakeholder community at various junctures throughout the review and development of the Third Party Access Implementation Plan.
The IESO appreciates the stakeholder interest demonstrated in this initiative. For more information, and to follow the discussions and meeting materials, please visit the Data Strategy Advisory Council webpage or contact