Draft Regulation Service RFP documents available for comment
June 1, 2017
Regulation service plays an important role in ensuring reliable systems operations. It acts to match total system generation to total system demand on a minute by minute or second-by second basis as required on the electricity grid, and helps correct variations in power system frequency.
A draft version of the 2017 Request for Proposals for Incremental Regulation Capacity (“Regulation Service RFP”) is available on the Regulation Service RFP webpage for comment and feedback. These draft documents incorporate feedback received through formal Requests for Information that occurred in September and December 2016. Comments and feedback on the draft documents are invited until Friday June 16, 2017. Submissions can be made by email to RegulationRFP@ieso.ca.
A webinar on Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 1:30 pm will provide information on the procurement process and provide an opportunity to ask questions. Registration for this webinar is available here. Interested parties are encouraged to subscribe to the Regulation Service RFP email list by clicking here.