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Market Renewal Education Workshops available

February 2, 2017

The IESO is hosting education workshops during the month of February to help stakeholders, market participants and the broader sector better understand the design elements of the market renewal project.

The half-day workshops are intended to be informative and educational on how market design components work with a focus on how they are used in other jurisdictions. The content is targeted to build capacity with the elements of the market renewal. The workshops are also intended to be interactive, with opportunities for questions and discussion. The first workshop, held on January 25, provided a general overview of market renewal. The subsequent four will provide more detail and context into the elements.

The workshop schedule is:

Single Schedule workshop, February 8, 9am-12pm - Webcast Registration
Capacity Market, February 15, 9am-12pm - Webcast Registration
Day-Ahead Market, February 22, 9am-12pm - Webcast Registration
Real-Time Unit Commitment, February 22, 1pm-4pm - Webcast Registration

To register to attend in person at one or all of these workshops, please register at To register for the webinars, please click on the links above.

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